Saturday, October 9, 2021

Best Vitamins for Joint Pain: Pain Relief

Best Vitamins for Joint Pain


After some intense practice, I’ve come to recognize the importance of the body’s two major organs: the brain and the joints. I’ve tried to take care of my body for a long time. But it’s not always easy to keep up the proper nutrition levels. As a yoga instructor, I want to push myself to learn new techniques that have had an impact on my yoga practice.

Here are some supplements to use if you are prone to joint pain. These supplements can help to alleviate the pain, which I used to suffer from regularly.

 Discover the Neural Pain Switch 

These supplements will make you feel any better. I started taking paracetamol for joint pain when I was eating a low protein, low fiber diet. Sadly, I soon went back to my high protein, low fiber diet and started giving myself hypoglycemia. I tried vitamin D (it’s beneficial for both joints) and ended up with a headache for an entire day.

Paracetamol provides a clear dose of sugar and helps you feel better, but it is not as great as a compound called acetone. Acetone is available in over 100 ingredients, including vitamin D, fiber, and natural food compounds. Vitamin D is particularly beneficial for older people as it’s not widely available.

Aloe vera juice increases the body’s serotonin levels. This is why it’s good for joint pain and fatigue.

Acetone (as well as vitamin D) is far more useful than vitamin D as it is available in so many combinations.

Aloe vera juice and Vitamin D are both useful, but neither has as much of an impact on the mind as two-step acid vitamin D and pure vitamin D (which is 80 times as much effective as the vitamin!). The best-case scenario is that a combination of these two vitamins is almost as good as a pill of vitamin D and vitamin D3, but if a person lives in areas with low vitamin D availability, they might not even use vitamin D3.

In terms of the damaging effects of vitamin D deficiency, do not drive too fast in wet conditions. Vitamin D deficiency, obesity, and diabetes are all linked to heat-related issues, which are bad news for joints. For example, vitamin D deficiency may predispose a person to osteoporosis (where the skin becomes fat) more easily.

Another friend of mine, who is a vegan, once compared Vitamin D deficiency to road rage. By taking Vitamin D and Vitamin D3 supplements, she was essentially fighting two diseases: colds and arthritis. I’ve always recommended vitamin D to all my patients, but I am sure that the best pathway to re-establish proper bone health is through a recommended calcium diet.

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Another friend of mine introduced me to Rhodiola Hamburtoni, a vitamin that is also specifically listed as calcium. Rhodiola helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and also is beneficial for joint health. It is incredibly potent: Rhodiola has been proven to be an astonishing 300-times stronger than calcium. A patient once told me they could live without calcium for days without pain.

That’s all the best supplements you need to feel better about taking Vitamin D. I hope you like what you have read.

Discover the Neural Pain Switch